distribution stage meaning in English
- In contrast , the author believes that it is unreasonabie that the carrier have immunity from the fault of his crew under up - todate navigation condition . the author will justify his opinion by ; ( 1 ) discussing the history of liabiiity basis system and the evoiution of its civii iaw standardi the iiabiiity basis system experienced objective distribution stage to subjective stage , which indicates the negation of subjective f8ult
本文将从以下几个方面进行论述: (一)分析归责原则的发展历程、民法基本观念(即民法的本位)的演进,从宏观的法律原理方面抽象论证航海过失免责的非正当性;归责原则从客观归责到主观归责的发展,表明人类对主观过错的否定,虽然在意思自治原则下出现了一些过失免责,但各国都对此给以了限制。